How can I get a listing of e-mail addresses I have for patients in Sammy? (KB)

November 21st, 2017

Use the RECALLS report. (Click Reports --> Recalls Report)

  1. Select the 4th choice “ALL XXXX Patients (it usually defaults to this).
  2. Next select the output you want. The default is a telephone report. If you want the information in a comma delimited ASCII file (compatiblewith Excel or to give to someone) select Print To A File.
  3. Continue to the “Howdo you want your results sorted?” screen and check Patients will EmailAddresses Only.
  4. Then click Start The Report.  All of the patients with emailaddresses will appear on the screen.
  5. To make the file, click on Finalize/MakeFile. When the operation in complete, a box will appear center screen informingyou that your file has been made containing X patients. The file is located atX:\YourDataArea\RReport.csv.